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Knee Pain: Causes and How it Affects Life

There are a variety of clinical presentations for knee pain. The four most common conditions seen at Steven Zucal South Perth Podiatry are Patellofemoral pain syndrome, Osgood Schlatters, Illiotibial Band syndrome, and Osteoarthitis. 

These conditions occur due to a disruption in the kinetic chain loading of the lower limb, which is multifactorial, including the alignment of your feet/lower limb, muscle strength, and exercise training load. 

Podiatrists take these factors into consideration along with a thorough history and biomechanical assessment of your lower limb in order to optimise with custom functional foot orthotics. We also collaborate with the Musculoskeletal physiotherapists at Modern physiotherapy who can complement the biomechanical therapy with a strength and conditioning programme to address any muscle imbalance.

Types Of Knee Pain

Patellofemoral Syndrome

It is the most common knee presentation seen by podiatrists. As the name suggests, it is caused by the interaction of the patella (knee cap) and the femur (thigh bone). Pain occurs as a result of a change in the glide of the patella as the knee bends and straightens whilst walking and running.

The change in the glide of the kneecap can increase because of two common factors, which are excessive foot pronation and associated lower limb internal rotation and muscle imbalance. The condition presents with a dull, persistent ache during activity, along with a grinding sensation that is felt under the knee cap. The condition is best managed by functional foot orthoses and stability shoes to address the underlying biomechanical faults, along with taping the knee to assist the glide of the knee cap during activity until the pain settles. 

Strengthening exercises for the quadriceps and gluteal muscles to optimise the loading pattern of the knee also help

Osgood Schlatters Disease

It is a condition similar to calcaneal apophysitis where there is a disruption in the attachment of the patella tendon to the tibial tuberosity. It occurs when teenagers are going through a growth spurt due to excessive traction of the tendon on the growth plate. 

While this is a self-limiting condition that will settle over a period of time, its resolution can be assisted by addressing any biomechanical faults and muscle imbalances along with load management advice.

Liotibial Band Syndrome 

It occurs as a result of excessive internal rotation of the lower limb, often associated with excessive foot pronation. The illiotibial band is a long fibrous fascia that attaches from the hip to just below the knee on the lateral side of the leg. 

The repetitive rubbing and friction of the fascia where it attaches causes inflammation of the underlying tissues, and the discomfort produces a dull ache that persists throughout the activity and for a time after the activity has finished. 

The condition is best managed by controlling the excessive pronation with custom foot orthoses and stability shoes. Any underlying muscle length and imbalances are also addressed by a strength and conditioning rehab programme.


Osteoarthritis of the knee is common in people over the age of fifty as a result of degeneration of the internal structures of the knee. It is a slow, progressive condition that results in pain and changes in the way people walk, leading to further degeneration of the knee. 

Addressing any biomechanical dysfunction of the foot and ankle along with a strengthening programme of the lower limb can be beneficial in reducing the pain and dysfunction. When the knee osteoarthritis has progressed to a level where a knee replacement has been performed, it is important to visit a podiatrist to have the biomechanics of the lower limb evaluated as this changes after the knee has been replaced.

Why Choose Stephen Zucal South Perth Podiatrist for Knee Pain treatment?

Stephen Zucal is expertise and experience, he can identify improper angles of the foot that cause knee problems requiring a prescription custom functional orthotics.

For your appointment
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Monday - Friday
9AM - 5PM